
Long Nights and Streetlights

Hello everyone! As you may already know I have been hard at work creating a book to showcase my work. Well this said book is now finished and available for those of you who are iPad owners to download and enjoy for free.

I am very excited to have finished the project, it's been a project for a year or more now. Although i have not worked on the book for a year straight (even though it feels like it) its always been on my mind. Needless to say a lot of time and effort has gone into the images chosen to represent the first 7 years of my photography career.

I have always been about sharing from the very start and having a great outlet such as iBooks is really fortunate for me. I feel the pros to having a book on the iPad compared to sharing my work only on the web is that I get to control the experience. Regardless of where you are the viewing experience is going to be the same from person to person.

I have a favor to ask of you. On my birthday (which is today May 5th) instead of wishing me wishing me an impersonal  "...happy birthday" I would like you to instead download my free books on iTunes!  I know that if you made a book on _____ (insert topic) I would definitely download it! Especially if its free! :) Also while you are there feel free to rate the book! If you are a fan of my work these things mean a lot to me. If 30 people simply rate the book (click the 5 star icon (I think I'm worth 5 btw)) it will create a snowball effect. We all know that when scrolling through items we typically pass right by the books, apps, songs, whatever that have no ratings!

So to some it up! I know many of you are great friends and truly nice people. So to show this simply download the book through iTunes or iBooks Store on the iPad and just rate the book! This is all I ask!

My books can be found here: Long Nights and Streetlights and Love is a Lotto

Please don't make a man beg or gravel! Thank  you all! I am humbled, the only thing I look to do is to inspire and share the world with you!

I would like to take a moment to say sorry for the following video, I hope we are still friends after...


I just read on twitter (after I recorded the above video) and realized that I made it to the "New & Noteworthy" section of the iTunes Store under Photography. I then looked a bit deeper and realized that I am currently holding the #2 and #3 spots for free books. I am beyond humbled. My vocabulary just doesn't let me truly express how I feel. If you know me small gestures then you would know that mean the world to me.